When entering Evolution Muay Thai in New York for training, we ask that you take off your shoes and socks as we are a barefoot gym. Some people are skeptical to slip off their foot gear and we get that. It is kind of weird if you are used to wearing shoes everywhere. In fact, Read more »
Evolution Muay Thai NYC
MMA Training in New York and People Who Don’t Do Martial Arts
What you accomplish in life all depends on what kind of person you are. If you make the effort to become a better version of yourself, you can probably hit the lofty goals you set for yourself in life. But if you can only come up with excuses for your lack of effort, don’t expect Read more »
Muay Thai Training in New York and Losing 10 Pounds
When it comes to losing weight, there are several ways in which you can do it. MMA training will help you lose it faster because it burns more calories than jogging or other forms of exercise. But maybe you are just a few pounds overweight and don’t feel you need to do anything about it. Read more »
The Benefits of MMA Training in New York
If you never have tried mixed martial arts training, you might wonder how it can benefit you. Contrary to what many people think, MMA is not just for those who want to participate in competitions to demonstrate their strength and power. Mixed martial arts training is for anyone, even kids, who wish to enjoy the Read more »