Your MMA Training Gym in New York and Beating the Winter Blues

For the most part, people deal with winter well enough, at least, to a certain point. The cold and snow are a part of winter life and can be enjoyable for a short period of time. In fact, many people welcome the snow and cold in November and December, the holiday months. After all, everybody dreams of a white Christmas.

But after the tree has been torn down, the tinsel and tree angel gently packed away and the last New Year’s resolution has been broken, people start to get tired of the cold and snow.

And now it is official: You wish winter was over. You have the classic holiday hangover, the days are still short and you feel as though you are coming down with yet another cold. What can you do?

Evolution Muay Thai, your MMA training gym in New York, offers ways to shake the winter blues.

Typically, you might spend your days sipping coffee at work while listening to coworkers complain about everything from the latest project they are working on to the cold weather. That certainly isn’t going to bring you any warm fuzzies.

You want to hang with people who are positive and can cheer you up. So ditch those coworkers who complain and hang out at the MMA with some funny and cool people.

Start a Project

Winter is the best time of year to finally start on that household project you have been putting off. We are betting there are a lot of things that need to be done around the house.

Create a Few Lists

Winter is the perfect time of year to catch up on those movies you have wanted to see and those books you wanted to read. If you aren’t an avid reader, start with the classics and work your way to modern titles.

Wear Bright Clothing

There aren’t any studies or other scientific proof that this works, but wearing bright clothing is believed to cheer you up in the winter. If anything, it will get you out of the house to shop for brightly colored clothes.

Get a Hobby

You should definitely have a hobby or two to occupy your time in the winter. In addition to MMA training, you could collect stamps, build models or paint. If these traditional hobbies don;t interest you, then try something a little less ordinary like beetle fighting, soap carving or start your own death metal band and play Cannibal Corpse covers.

Build a Fire

This is totally primal, the feeling you get when you sit in front of a roaring fire when the heat sticks to your face as you stare into the glowing flames. There is just something calming about the glow of embers as they warm your feet and hands.

Eat Winter Foods

Now is the perfect time to experiment with some new recipes. Stews and soups are easy to make and fun to eat. They are also full of good things that are good for you and that make you happy.

After eating a bowl of your homemade stew, head to Evolution Muay Thai for a workout.


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